A shopping addict is someone who shops without thinking, the idea is to just buy things. It gives them immense pleasure to shop. They have no control on their urge to purchase necessary or unnecessary stuff. Lets talk about different kinds of shoppers:
1. Compulsive shopper:
They have an OCD – Obsessive Compulsive Disorder when it comes to shopping. They can shop all the time.
2. Emotional shopper:
They shop whenever they are feeling low and pick up items which they don’t require and worry about buying them later.
3. Bargain shopper:
They buy because sale is going on irrespective of their needs.
4. Show off shoppers:
They are the one who wants to show off by wearing latest style, design, expensive brands as if some competition is going on.
5. Rat race:
If it’s in trend they have to buy it. They just follow the crowd and buy because someone is wearing it and it’s in fashion.
6. Window shoppers:
They do more of window shopping and rarely buy stuff. They will check for hundreds of shop and settle for the one which they must have seen at the first shop.
7. Return master shoppers:
They buy stuff because they know they can return or replace easily. Online shopping gives this benefit more than the physical shop. They get some pleasure in returning the stuff as if they made some achievement.
8. Perfect shoppers:
They want everything perfect from head till toe and even their home as well. They look for that trophy item which everyone is going to talk about and praise them.
9. Bargain shoppers:
They love to bargain and buy because they have bargained so much that they feel like a winner already. If someone wants to save money, it’s best to go for shopping with them.
10. Collector shoppers:
They want similar stuff in all colors and with the same fit.
You belong to which category?????
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