The torrential rains that have been pouring in our city over the summer have astonished us all. Due to the potential of more catastrophic climate change, such as strong heat waves, considerable flooding, and severe drought, India, the world’s second-most populated nation, faces problems with food and energy security.
Millions of Indians are at risk from climatic disasters due to erratic weather, which also claims thousands of lives annually and worsens economic situations by reducing agricultural productivity. By increasing the need for fossil fuels and diminishing hydropower supplies, it also puts a strain on the country’s energy supply.
Warnings given by the scientists
Climate scientists warn of the unpredictable nature of weather patterns owing to climate change and the potentially disastrous effects on farmers, notwithstanding the Indian Meteorological Department’s prediction of normal rainfall for the southwest monsoon season in 2023. India needs to move quickly to reduce climate change and prepare for changing weather patterns.
The Indian Meteorological Department has forecast normal rainfall for India’s southwest monsoon season, which runs from June to September, in 2023. Climate scientists have cautioned that climate change is making weather patterns unpredictable and that there will be significant seasonal variation in rainfall, which could be disastrous for farmers. Even if the average rainfall is constant, seasonal variability can occasionally be detrimental to farmers since it can lead to circumstances where they either don’t get enough water when they need it or get too much when they don’t.

India’s climate change is Unpredictable which presents difficulties.
A government weather scientist warned on the condition of anonymity that its unpredictable nature is expected to make weather forecasting more difficult. It will be more difficult for farmers to produce their main crop during the summer monsoon season because of the changing weather dynamics, which also have serious economic ramifications for the nation. A vivid indication of the effects of climate change is provided by the unpredictable rainfall distribution and rising frequency of extreme weather events in the southwest monsoon.
With fewer rainy days but more intense downpours, the monsoon rainfall distribution has become increasingly unpredictable in recent years. Additionally, the patterns of the monsoon clouds have changed, causing certain regions to have unusually high rainfall while others face heavy rainfall.
Farmers suffer terrible consequences as a result of these irregular shifts. When crops don’t have enough time to absorb water during prolonged downpours, there is a net loss of yields.

The shifting dynamics of the India’s climate change specially monsoon is intimately related to the current pollution situation.
In addition to greenhouse gas emissions, an excessive number of aerosols modifies the atmosphere and has an impact on the development of rain clouds. Aerosols can act as ice nuclei or cloud condensation nuclei, modifying cloud characteristics and precipitation patterns. As a result, the monsoon season has changed to include shorter but more intense rain events, which are distinguished by powerful downpours that last just briefly.

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