Well, this is not about the positive cases of Coronavirus but about the positive sides of coronavirus. Let’s start…….
1) Coronavirus Taught Us Hygienic Discipline:
Yes, indeed. We can’t deny the fact that Corona has taught us how to live a hygienically disciplined life. We are the same people who used to come back home and without even removing shoes, would sit on the sofa and start having snacks without washing our hands. Our parents and teachers had tried their utmost to teach us lessons of hygienic discipline but somehow they couldn’t ingrained those qualities in us in years which Coronavirus taught us in few months. Now, whether we like or not, but we dare to play with our hygiene. In fact, even if somebody tells us that we don’t need to wash our hands, then also we won’t pay heed to them and will ensure the cleanliness. Doesn’t it sound impressive?…Well, we can consider it as the first positive of Corona.

2) Coronavirus Got Us Closer to Our Families:
I think it’s self explanatory. Still, I can elaborate for you. Try and recall your lifestyle at home till just six months back. Many of us were so busy in the office and social life, that we didn’t even used to notice the face of our family members for days and days. Abodes had become more like hotels, isn’t it? We would just come back home late from office, and then start chatting with our friends over the phone, have dinner and sleep off. And the days would end. Weekends were also meant for parties, weren’t they?… But, Coronavirus got this trend changed.
It ensured that Govt. Announce lockdown so that we can realize the importance of our family life and family members. So that we can give them their due importance and due share of our precious time and can have our meals together at home and discuss on some important aspects of our family lives while sitting on the dining table. Not just this much, Corona also ensured that we care for our family members and their safety.
Today, even if someone is not bothered about his own safety, he would follow the guidelines to ensure that his family members, especially the old parents and small children, don’t get affected with Corona. Doesn’t it mean that Corona had made us more empathetic towards our family members?…Yes, indeed. Hence, second positive of Corona is that it brought us closer to our families.

3) Coronavirus Helped Us Build Our Immunity:
I just wonder how we had completely disregarded our immunity boosting in our respective busy lifestyles. We literally had no time for exercise, yoga or even for having the home cooked nutritious food. We would just get up, rush to the office and eat anything outside to fill our tummies. Immunity was not on our to do list at all. But, then Corona ensured that we take care of our immunity as well because it is the one which will give us a healthy, happy and longer life. It ensured that we start doing some sort of exercise or yoga daily and that we tend to eat healthy, hygienic and nutritious food.
Gradually, immunity has secured its place in our daily lifestyle and to-do-list as well. Those of us who were finding it hard to even walk till the grocery shop, have started jogging till the next red light to ensure that our immune system stays strong. Not just this much, we have started googling the nearby parks as well, haven’t we?… Well, this cautious efforts of ours towards building our immunity can be tagged to the fear of getting affected with Corona. Hence, we can approve that the third positive of Corona is that it helped us build our immunity.

4) Coronavirus Made Us Sincere Work From Home professionals:
Haha, it sounds funny, but actually it’s the truth. Work From Home, though sounds pretty trendy, but wasn’t actually so meaningful till a few months back. It was considered more like a week off for most of us and we actually used to utilize the day for our pending household chores, isn’t it?. But, due to this Coronavirus, we have actually become sincere Work From Home professionals who know, that if the work isn’t completed on time, it may result in losing our respective jobs. Today, all of us are taking it seriously, and we can actually say, that the Work From Home culture has got incorporated in our lives in true sense now. Hence, let’s not be shy in acknowledging the fact that the fourth positive of Corona is that it made us sincere Work From Home professionals.

5) Coronavirus beautified our environment:
Well, all of us those who love the natural beauty will accept this fact. Let’s start with a simple check. How many of us had envisaged that we would be seeing our lovely small twittering chirpy sparrows back in our balconies? Do you know, this lovely breed was about to extinct and had been formally declared as having receded away from the city areas. But, today I noticed a flock of sparrows in my balcony which motivated me to write this blog on the positives of Corona.
Nevertheless, corona has rejuvenated our Flora and Fauna. It also has reduced the pollution level and cleaned the water bodies. Today, our Punjabi mates can see Himalayas from their balconies. And those who are visiting Ganges river can notice Dolphins in it. Had we ever imagined this? No… But, this was made possible by Corona and we all know the reasons for the same so let’s not go into that nitty gritty. However, this would not remain the same in near future since we have started with our same old routine of polluting lifestyles, but still, in the present context, we can consider that the fifth positive of Corona is that it beautified our environment.

Here, I would like to add that it’s not that I, by any chance, support the spread of Corona. I also, just like you all, condemn the spread of this coronavirus, and am equally concerned with this pandemic. But, as we all know, that every coin has two sides, and every situation has both positives and negatives, therefore, these five aspects of Corona can be termed as 5 Positives if Corona.
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