The Coronavirus outbreak doesn’t seem to relax and has left us pondering how to protect yourself from the deadly disease, particularly for those who has to travel for any significant purpose. There are people who have a privilege to work from home but not every day is so lucky. Whether we like it or not, Coronavirus has become a part of our life, but that doesn’t mean the virus is not going to affect us, it continues to spread, the major hesitation is should you withdraw your travel plan or postpone it.
What if it’s important to travel?
But if there is a dire need for your travel within the nation or for that matter abroad, one needs to safeguard themselves. Many of us are dying to plan a vacation (I am one of them) but this is not the time to spread your wings and take a leisure trip. Although, CDC – Centre for Disease Control and Prevention suggests everyone to be it home and travel only if it’s urgent. As per them, many viruses don’t spread easily on board considering the way airplanes circulate the air in the flight. But you can’t take guarantee of the passenger sitting next to you or roaming around who might be diseased but asymptomatic at the airport.

Airlines are also heaving up cleaning measures by enhancing the regularity of the airport as well as airplane decontamination and maintain social distancing in the flight. The airlines are working on protecting the health of the passengers and its employees and have made guidelines for those who are eager to travel.
NO CABIN BAGGAGE permitted, WEB CHECK-IN at home – SOP for post lock down flights
The temperature screening procedure for coronavirus is already in place along with sterilization of terminals and regular purification. There are rules and restrictions which a traveler has to adhere to if they wish to travel. But as an individual, you need to take certain precautions to guarantee your safety and safety of the fellow passengers:
1.Get your test done:
Before travelling during coronavirus, it is always advisable to get yourself checked by a doctor for any symptom of Covid 19 as you don’t want to be a carrier of the pandemic. It is essential to be fit before you take a flight.

2. Keep your hands in control:
Parents would always say, “Watch your tongue before you speak” but the phrase has been changed to “Watch your hands before you touch anyone”. Avoid shaking hands with anyone because you may shake hands with someone who is already diseased. Don’t touch any object like doorknobs, handrails, lift buttons which can get you into trouble. Keep sanitizing your hand immediately after touching any surface or object. I know newly married couples can’t keep their hands off each other but strictly avoid.

3. Wash hands frequently:
Airports have neat and clean washroom. Therefore, clean your hands with soap and water on a regular basis for at least 20 seconds. It is the best self-defense mechanism against the Coronavirus.

4. Check the latest news of your destination:
International flights will start soon, but before you plan to catch a flight, check the status of the number of coronavirus cases in that particular country. Have a look on the latest news and see if the city falls under high risk zone. So that accordingly you can plan to cancel or go ahead with your travelling.

5. If you are sick, don’t travel:
Coronavirus has a gestation period of at least 14 days. So there can be chance that you could be repudiated to travel while conducting temperature checks at the departure gate. If you feel you are unwell or have a little bit of fever, don’t fly.

6. Cleanup:
Although airlines are taking extra care as far as fumigation is concerned, but still carry antibacterial wipes or spray and to clean your seat, armrest, tray table, window blind, toilet door, etc. This even includes using the sterile wipes at every give place if you are planning to stay in a hotel.

7. Wear face mask:
It is very essential and indispensable to wear face mask. Cover your face with a mask and when you cough or sneeze use your elbows.

8. Maintain social distance:
Needless to mention but for your own wellbeing, keep 6 feet distance from everyone be at the terminal building or washrooms or on escalators’.

9. Upgrade your seat:
This is will give you an extra personal space and possibly less interaction with other passengers. You can always request for an upgrade or pay some extra bucks.

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