On Saturday, as PM Narendra Modi launched the world’s biggest Covid vaccination drive against the global pandemic Covid-19, showing the ray of hope. As India,started its countrywide Covid vaccination drive, over 1.9 L health care and forefront sanitary workers of India’s Covid 19 battle got their first shot. India is the first developing country who has marked the commencement of an effort to jab more than 1.3 billion people by rolling out the vaccine. Emergency approval was given for two vaccines for India’s vaccination program. One is the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine, also known as Covishield in India, and another one is a domestic product, i.e. Covaxin, made by Bharat Biotech, a pharmaceutical company.
Fatality Rate
India has recorded more than 1 crore coronavirus cases and the global outbreak has resulted in 1,52,092 deaths. This counts to second highest in the global scale. The pandemic also toppled zillions of lives in the nation. Currently, Maharashtra and Kerala are reporting the maximum number of daily Covid 19 cases.
A Sign of Relief
The Indian Government has been getting ready for many weeks to launch the vaccine. The Prime Minister, Narendra Modi jump started the campaign speech on National Television. The first dose was given to a health worker at AIIMS – All India Institute of Medical Sciences in Delhi. With more than one crore coronavirus cases and over 1.5 lakh moralities far ahead, India administered the vaccine at medical centers across the nation.
This is the initial steps out of the global pandemic with shots of Covaxin and Covishield. It came across as a sign of solace as this can be a start of the end of the Covid 19 shock. The state worst hit by Maharashtra, home to Amchi Mumbai by Covid 19, will vaccinate above 50,000 medical care workers on the first day of the coronavirus vaccine rollout.
A Historic Day
The Union Health ministry stated that a huge Covid vaccination exercise was done in which, 1.91 lakh people were vaccinated with COVID-19 vaccines all over India on the first day during 3006 sessions. This marked the day as a momentous and largest coronavirus vaccination drive started by PM Narendra Modi. The health ministry also said, that no case of post-immunization hospitalization has been reported until now. Every person has to take 2 doses of the same vaccine, with a gap of 28 days.
Planning and Implementation
The health ministry has made plans for 300 million people, to be inoculated by August, 2021. The receiver includes doctors, nurses, forefront health care workers, the army, the police, people who are above 50 and with ill health conditions that makes them susceptible to Covid 19 will be given priority, without paying any price i.e. free of cost. More than 2,00,000 vaccinators and 3,70,000 team members have been taught how to rollout the vaccine all over the country. It is not yet clear whether, PM Narendra Modi had taken the vaccine or not. The government said that, politicians won’t be given preference in the first stage of the roll out.
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