Digital Marketing comprises of all the elements of marketing that uses digital technologies such as an electronic device or the internet. It encompasses variety of audience engagement than just website or an email. Businesses are leveraging digital channel or the internet to give a rise to “modern marketing tool” to a perplexing array of brands and jargon formed by both researchers and experts. The digital media such as social media, search engines, websites and emails are effectively used to connect with present and potential clienteles.

Digital Marketing is also referred to as e-marketing, web marketing, online marketing, internet marketing and these terms have been altered with time. In plain words, any kind of marketing that happens on the internet is known as Digital Marketing.
Digital Marketing is the sales person, paper supplier or business proficient (or all in a one) for a business. Its main task it to inform everyone using various search engines or social media about the product, label or the facilities. It has become the popular mode of marketing and frequently used by various businesses. It involves handling different methods of online presence of the firm such as social media pages, official website and mobile applications.
The various techniques comprise of marketing on social media, SEM i.e. search engine marketing, email marketing, online advertising and conglomerate with other websites. These methods are implemented to acquire a prospective new client and providing services to the present customer in the most proficient manner.

Why to GO Digital? Why digital marketing is important?
- No geographical boundaries, it implies the business can have a global presence
- It saves money as compared to the traditional marketing techniques like hoarding, advertisement, posters
- Digital marketing saves time as it reaches the masses in a very short span of time
- It helps you to endorse in a personalized way
- It helps you to keep a track on the performance of your product and service
- Digital Marketing shapes a brand reputation
- World is not physical. World is digital now {people read news on blogs. Not on newspaper)

Digital Marketing is more than selling goods but why?
- It builds trust on the customer
- It makes you as a brand
- One can go through good customer feedback
- Its prime focus is customer service
- It ensures more followers/like on social
- It selects a better brand and don’t compete with them

Is Digital Marketing future of Marketing?
Yes, it is, last couple of years, we have seen a paradigm shift in the mode and various means on marketing. We cannot deny the fact that there is a swift rise in the number of internet consumers and it is uninterruptedly growing on daily basis. Thanks to jio network launched by Reliance user’s internet consumption has increased.
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