Did you know that your fashion sense and the outfits you wear influence your self-esteem and attitude? If you dress or accessorize in a way that makes you appear older, then you will unintentionally begin to feel so!
It is never desirable to look older, irrespective of what the fashion magazines claim is trendy. However, some of the most recent trends make people appear considerably older than they are. So, which of these fashion faux pas have you been doing lately? Simple guidelines will help you avoid typical fashion blunders that age you prematurely! Let’s go over this list together and vow to never do it again!
1.Overuse of Foundation:
In an attempt to look younger, some women prefer to overdo their makeup, especially foundation. Cakey, powdered makeup, on the other hand, has the reverse effect, adding years to one’s appearance.
A foundation that is too thick or heavy may cause more harm than benefit. It gives you an older appearance.

2. Thin Eyebrows:
Earlier, it was fashionable to over-pluck and shape your brows to get distinctive arched eyebrows. Thin brows are outdated in comparison to today’s big, thick brows. Fuller brows can also help you look younger. If you’ve ever over-plucked your brows, a brow liner could help.

3. Matching from Head to Toe:
“The fact is that donning a lot of flashy accessories can make you look mature and older”. It is not a good idea to wear matching earrings, necklaces, hair bands, shoes, purses, and bracelets. Matching from head to toe is a big no-no.

4. Red Lipstick:
A bold red lip has its moment, but if you’ve always worn it, it could seem outdated. Moreover, a red lip color that is overly intense may draw attention to deep lines and wrinkles. Red lips can also make teeth appear yellower, regardless of your age.

5. Don’t hang your Glasses on your Neck:
“Take those glasses off the chain around your neck,” “When you need your eyeglasses, take them out of your bag and wear them, and keep them away when you don’t.”

6. Jeggings Aren’t Jeans:
Jeggings are a popular outfit choice for many women. Jeggings give the comfort of being stretchy and yet give the elegance of jeans. However, these types of pants don’t look nice’ and have the potential to make make you look older.

7. Volume in your Hair is a No-No:
The use of a lot of volume in your hair is a no-no. A sizzling hairdo can rapidly turn into a heated disaster with too much volume. Overly-teased hair, especially when hairspray is used, can age a person quickly.

8. Matching Your Lipstick to your Clothes:
Many people make the mistake of matching their lipstick color to their outfit, which occurs far more frequently than it should. Pink lipstick with a pink sari does not sound good. However, there are still rules to follow when it comes to matching clothing and lip colors, as the wrong combination can make someone appear much older.

9. Dark lip liner – A fashion disaster:
Lips that are heavily lined and overdrawn are out of style and make you appear older. When you start eating or drinking, the lipstick you used to fill in your pout can easily become a smudge, and smeared lips aren’t very appealing.

10. Capris:
I’ve always disliked this fashion trend. This style of pant is frequently cut off mid-calf, giving the wearer’s legs the appearance of being shorter and bulkier. Furthermore, wearing capris will likely add many years to one’s age. Choose full pants or a skirt with a mid-calf cutoff as an alternative.

11. Your Posture is Bad:
You may appear younger and more attentive if you maintain good posture. Furthermore, hunching or drooping over your desk is unhealthy for your spine and makes you look older.

12. Yellow Teeth:
Teeth gradually turn yellow as you get older, but that doesn’t imply you should stop caring for them. Flossing, rinsing, brushing regularly can help maintain your teeth healthy and youthful-looking.

13. Square shaped nails:
Excessively thin or too wide nail forms should be avoided. Instead, request an almond shape. “This style looks soft, gentle, and it gives hands a younger and more energetic appearance.”
Courtesy pic: www.dreamstime.com
14. Long hair:
Long hair appeals to men in particular. They are enthralled by the sight of their girlfriend or wife with long locks.
However, instead of making them look younger, it makes them appear several years older.

15. Brooches – No Never:
Brooches have always been and will certainly remain exceptional accessories. However, because the brooch is an out-of-style fashion statement, you should not wear it. Instead, store it in a concealed jewelry box or donate it to an antique shop.
Courtesy pic: www.topthingz.com
16. Shabby and Frumpish Footwear:
Wearing clumsy, heavy, and bulky footwear is an instant fashion faux pas that ages you. As individuals get older, they need more supporting shoes, but that doesn’t mean they have to wear beige orthopedic shoes. Many shoe firms make orthopedic shoes that are also fashionable.
Courtesy pic: www.living.alot.com
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