Headache is a common problem which each one of us faces on a regular basis. A headache can be a sign of stress or any illness or may be side effect of any medication. It’s very difficult to describe the reason for the same but let’s talk about some of the causes of headache:
Lack of water can be one of the factors behind that headache. Lack of hydration can make you irritable and decreases your concentration level. Dehydrated body can’t perform well. Drinking water relieves the symptoms of headache within 30 min to 2 hours.
2. Excessive dieting:
Lack of food is another reason. The body needs food. Eating too less or more of high sugar food can trigger your headache. Hunger causes your blood glucose level to drop and over eating of sugar can increase your glucose level. Rapid change in the blood sugar level is the culprit.
3. Insomnia:
Disturbed or lack of sleep is another factor causing headache which we tend to ignore. Poor sleep pattern can disrupt your entire days performance because of constant pain in the head. An average person needs 6 to 8 hours of sleep every night to function properly.
4. Lack of Magnesium:
People who have magnesium deficiency face migraine often. Magnesium is an important mineral. It supports nerves, regulates blood sugar level in the body and improves your muscle function. Low level of magnesium can lead to headache.
5. Stress:
Stress is one major factor behind many health problems. Headache is one of those. Tension headaches create a pressure around your neck, forehead and back of your head, it feels as if the muscles are contracting and causing the pain.
6. Alcohol:
Alcohol in excess can cause hangover which has several negative effects. When you drink alcohol you tend to urinate a lot therefore lose of water results in dehydration which triggers headache. Your blood vessels also dilate which is another reason for that migraine.
7. Impact of any disease:
There can be some diseases that can stimulate the pain in the head by activating the pain sensitive nerves of the head like a blood clot, sinusitis, hypertension, ear pain, brain tumor, concussion, dental issues.
8. Side effect of any medication:
Few medications also causes headache. Medications do have side effects and the most common is pain in the head. Over use of pain killer can give you a rebound headache.
9. Deficiency of Vitamin:
Vitamin deficiency also leads to migraine. People who suffer from severe pain, studies have shown their diet was lacking in enough vitamins required for the body. People do complain about fatigue, decrease in energy level along with the headache.
10. Environment:
Some people are allergic to strong smells like perfumes, household chemicals, pollution, ink, cigarettes etc.
11. Genetics:
If parents has a history of migraines, high chances their children will also have them.
Headache seems to be a common problem we all face quite often but it really disturbs our normal routine. Therefore it’s essential to find out the root cause of the nagging pain in the head.
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