Keeping your body in check is very important and require some serious efforts. If a body part is not functioning properly, we can detect a major health issue at an early stage by timely visiting a doctor. Some signals also require immediate attention to your health. If you also experience the following signs, see a doctor:
1.Excessive Weight loss or weight gain:
When there is a noticeable change in your weight, even if you are not putting any effort, it can be a sign of illness or a symptom of thyroid, diabetes, depression etc. Visit your doctor.

2. Abnormal menstrual bleeding:
If you are bleeding abnormally it could be a sign of polyps (they are abnormal tissue growth inside the uterus), hormonal disorder, miscarriage in pregnancy, fibroids and in extreme cases cancer as well. It needs medical attention immediately.

3. Blood in your stool:
It is utmost important to locate the source, from where the blood is coming. Bleeding can come from stomach, small or large intestine, rectum and anus. It leads to symptoms like dizziness, fainting, weakness. It can also be a sign of anal fissures, hemorrhoids, polyps of the rectum, inflammation of the large intestine.

4. Changes in your bladder or bowel:
More or less urination than usual can be a sign of kidney problems or prostate cancer. Whereas constipation or loose motion can indicate colon or ovarian cancer.

5. Blood in the urine:
Health signals you should never ignore. This is a symptom of bladder cancer, infection, benign tumors and stone in the kidney. It should also be investigated by a doctor on urgent basis.

6. Chest pain is a major health condition:
There can be a lot of pressure or pain in the centre of the chest. Don’t ignore it thinking to be a heartburn or indigestion. If the pain stays for more than a few minutes or subsides and comes back again, it could be a sign of heart attack. Just don’t ignore.

7. Any growth or mass:
A mass is a lump or any abnormal growth in the body. The cause can be anything like a cyst or a hormonal change. A mass can also be cancerous or non cancerous.

8. Unbearable toothache:
If you are suffering from the pain for more than 2 days, visit a dentist. If it’s not treated on time, it can damage the pulp inside the tooth. Toothache may also result in ulcer on your gums, injury to the joints that attach jaws to the skull. Some bacteria that cause gum problems also promotes cancer.

9. Non Stop coughing:
If your cough doesn’t vanishes even after weeks and weeks of medication. Consult a specialist. This may be able to happen due to lung cancer, tuberculosis bronchiolitis (TB – infection in small airways of the lung), Cystic fibrosis, cancer of the throat.
10 Excessive body hair growth:
PCOS can be the main reason for excessive hair growth in females. If there is an increased level of male hormones (androgens) in the body, it may develop more body hair than normal. There can be other underlying medical conditions as well like: thyroid, tumor.

11. A severe, persistent headache:
It can be accompanied by blurred vision or pain in the eye, weakness in the body, convulsions, and difficulty in walking. Get yourself checked as these signals are very alarming and can cause brain tumor, stroke, and injury in the brain.

12. Impotence:
If you are unable to perform on a regular basis, consult a doctor. Inability to maintain and keep an erection or delayed or premature ejaculation can cause severe depression. There can also be many hidden causes beneath Erectile Dysfunction: hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity, relationship issues.

13. High fever:
Fever that doesn’t respond to any medication and is not associated with any virus or any fever above 104 degree F. Very high fever is also termed as Hyperpyrexia. This can happen due to bacterial infection, bleeding in the brain, organ damage.

14. Snoring:
It is a factor which people ignore thinking it’s a habit. It can be a symptom of sleep apnea (a disorder when a person’s breathing is interrupted while they are asleep). Snoring can also be linked to obesity, thickening of carotid arteries in the neck.

15. Rashes, blisters on the skin:
Eczema (a health condition that makes your skin itchy and causes redness) can be a reason behind this or it can turn out to be a more serious issue like celiac disease (an extreme immune reaction to gluten – a protein found in wheat, barley and rye). Celiac disease can affect our digestion system. It can also cause bloating and gas, pain in the stomach, vomiting, diarrhea.

Precaution is better than cure.
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