If being overweight is bad than being underweight is equally worse. There is lot of focus on how to lose weight, having slim waist, inch loss but what about people who are fighting to gain weight or having poor nutrition.
If a person is underweight, there can be many health problems associated with it. The problems include:
- Anemia
- Osteoporosis
- Falling sick often
- Weakness in the body
- Hair loss
- Irregular periods
- Slow growth of the body
- Low immunity
- Recuperation process gets slow after surgery or any disease
- Poor dental health
- Thinning of skin
- Premature baby

There can be many reasons which don’t lead to weight gain like:
- Genetic reason
- High metabolism rate
- Stomach issues
- Unable to eat more
- Excess of physical activities
- Depression
- Thyroid
- Diabetes

- Underweight: Less than 18.5
- Normal weight: 18.5 – 24.9
- Over weight: 25 – 29.9
- Obese: 30 or above

There is a myth that eating more or eating junk food can lead to weight gain fast. But it’s completely untrue; junk food will increase fat and bad cholesterol. Junk food lack important nutrients required for the body which can have a negative effect on your heart, liver, kidney and skin.
There are 3 things required for a healthy weight gain:
1.Nutritious diet: It is very essential to eat a balanced diet for gaining weight the natural way. Eating junk food may gain weight, but it will deprive the body from the required nutrition. Excess fat, sugar, salt will have a bad effect on the body in the long run.
2. Workout: People who want to gain weight safely should focus on gaining muscle mass. Muscle gain is better than fat gain.
3. Consistency: There is a saying Rome was not built in a day. It is very important to be consistent in your diet plan and exercise routine, nothing will happen over night.
How to gain weight the natural way?
1.Use ghee:
Clarified butter or Ghee contains is an ancient medicine. It has saturated fat and good amount of calories. Ghee also adds flavor to the food. It is a great source of energy and also enhances your digestive system. It helps in increasing the fertility and vitality. It also boosts the immunity and aids in fighting against diseases.

2. Opt for full fat milk and curd:
Before you sleep drink full fat milk and add honey into it. Milk is a good source of protein and helps in increasing weight.
Include full fat curd along with your meals or as a snack. It contains healthy fat and protein essential for your body and also aids in improving your immunity.
3. Peanut butter:
Peanut butter is loaded with protein and carbohydrate. It’s high in calorie and fat content. It is not expensive as well and easily available in the market. To increase your weights at least include two spoons of peanut butter in your diet. There are varieties of ways to enhance your food with peanut butter like making a sandwich, adding it in your smoothie or oatmeal or shakes.

4. Dates:
Dates can increase your weight in no time. Boil dates in the milk and drink this milk before you sleep and eat the dates. They are considered to be as a rich food. They are high in fiber and improve overall health. They include vitamins like A, B2, B6, C, K and also a good source of protein.
5. Increase your protein intake:
Proteins are a good source for building muscles. Protein like cheese, eggs, chicken is very effective for gaining weight. For gaining muscles sufficient protein is required.
6. Include boiled potato:
Eat potato on a regular basis. Potato contains carbohydrates and starch which helps in weight gain. They are very nutritious. Baked and steamed are viewed to be the best form for eating potato.
7. Eat nuts:
Nuts like almonds, walnuts, dates, raisin, peanuts, figs, prunes are a perfect choice if you are looking for weight gain. They are high calorie treats. You can even add them in your smoothie, shakes or eat them raw.

8. Do weight training:
Gain muscles not fat. Weight training is very essential for gaining muscle mass and developing the strength which further helps in weight gain.
9. Eat a little more:
Calorie in should be more than calories out. It implies you need to take more calories than your body can burn.
10.Use larger plates:
Eating in large plates will automatically increase your serving size and you will eat more.
11. Gradually increase your diet:
Sudden increase in diet plan will make you fall sick and cause vomiting or dysentery. Slowly increase your diet.
12. Don’t drink water before food:
This will fill your stomach and you won’t be able to take enough calories.
13. Eat banana, chickoo and mangoes:
They are dense in calories and also give instant energy. You can even make a shake and drink. They are good for increasing weight.

14. Include figs and kishmish:
Soak figs and kishmish overnight in water and have it in the morning along with the water. This will also increase your weight. Figs are a great source of fiber, magnesium, copper,iron, calcium, Vitamin A and B.
Raisin or kishmish boosts immunity and is also a rich source of antioxidants. It increases the bone strength.
I am quite sure if you will include the above mentioned food and drink items in your diet, you will surely gain weight. Don’t expect overnight results. Be consistent, it may take time but results are guaranteed.
Consult a doctor if you are facing any illness or struggling to gain weight despite all the efforts. There can be any hidden medical condition behind it.

Take care
Stay healthy
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