Do You Think The Lock Down Should Be Extended ? Yes or No

Lock Down

Prime Minister Narendra Modi declared the national lock down on 24th March for 21 days to fight against the virulent disease which has created havoc globally. He had a meeting with all the floor leaders of political parties and said it is not feasible to lift the lock down hastily which is supposed to end on 14th April. PM Modi also recommended that looking at the current scenario, there will be an extension to the ongoing lock down for another 15 days and people should be equipped for the long heave. Considering the national and social emergency, it is very essential at this stage to combat the communicable virus.

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PM Modi said a lot of political leaders, state governments and other experts have requested him for an extension of the same as the death toll from the fatal infection has crossed the figure of 160 across the country. However, the central government hasn’t made any decision regarding the extension till now. The final decision will be taken after a meeting on 11th April with all Chief Ministers for a discussion, taking into account the national interest. There is an urgent need to maintain social distancing as the main concern of the government is to save a life.

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A majority of citizens in India feel that the 21 days lock down should be further extended in the country as the virus is still transmitting from one person to another. Lifting the ban will spread the contagious virus with full force. The response conceivably stems from the reality that people are now more petrified of the virus than they were during the initial days of lock down.

Lock Down is Important

As per the YouGov survey, there are many people of all age group feels that the government is not doing adequate to fight the pandemic. The government needs to put extra efforts to take care of the needs of the common man. There should be more kits available to test the deadly disease. Proper shelter should be arranged for migrants with all essential supplies. Some of the Indians feel that the lock down is not a full proof solution; measures should be taken to eradicate the infection completely from all parts of the country.

Janta Curfew

No doubt that the contagious virus has impelled panic and people’s sentiments is dictating their actions. This is the unprecedented time and first of its own kind; when schools are closed, people are working from home, maintain social distance, can’t move out freely. It is the most challenging time in the recent history. People are depressed, losing control, financially unstable, losing jobs and many more but what choice do they have? It is very normal to be restless. The current lock down is only to safe guard us from the pandemic and the government will take the best possible decision.

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