Government’s abrupt unplanned lockdown decision, was an act of Cold-heartedness
There has been an ongoing debate on the topic whether the government toppled in their decision of downright lockdown which has caused adversity and desolation to millions. The unexpected closure of businesses has distressed the lives of migrant laborers in the nation. Several people have died, dozens of them committed suicide and the antagonism has risen to another level.

The government’s sudden announcement to lockdown all 1.3 billion population for around 2 months has brought the country to an economy distress and businesses to a cessation, leaving innumerable people in the nation homeless, without jobs and with the shortage of food and other essentials they have become malnutrition and have lost lives in various cities. The total ban is necessary to curb the coronavirus outbreak, stated the Prime Minister Narendra Modi on television.
This unparalleled move gave only 4 hours before sanctioning “complete lockdown” on parting their homes. People were trapped where they were as they had no place to go – the borders were closed. A lot of migrants in Delhi along their families, packed their stuff, carrying their little kids in the arms as they continued to begin long journey on foot along the highways to cross the border to reach their respective villages which was hundreds of mile away. But they were brutally beaten by the police at the Delhi interstate border. The migrants were given no time to make arrangement to their hometown, in fact every citizen muddled to survive the new unprecedented scenario.

Although PM Modi made necessities like food and medicines available to public during lockdown but other businesses like restaurants, utilities, financial services, manufacturing units were all closed. The workers lived without food, without home and without any hope. One of the laborer said, we will contract corona virus only if we stay alive but without any money or food how do we survive.
The states have sealed their borders, but the irony is few politician wants to kill them, as they say that the migrants are spreading the virus, some addressed them as irresponsible and taking undue advantage of the imposed vacations to visit their hometown. A huge part of society lives in the slums, works on daily – the measures to curb Covid 19 has sparked the unrest and PM decision to implement the lockdown has become an overwhelming and prodigious scenario as thousands of them reside together in crowded location and impoverished circumstance. The workers are dissenting the “curfew” across the nation.

This is very evident that the government did not assume that the daily wage migrants would be a major victim. It clearly states that the huge gap between the government and the common man proposes a disengage between the current scenario of the country we are living in and an imaginary projection of the nation.
The tension prevailing in the country within first 21 days, should have insinuated the government to think about the spiteful act and should encouraged some measures in resolving the issues related to migrants but no such thing happened. Such a gigantic step of the complete lockdown and the circulation of the coronavirus, required a systematic and compassionate retort but adverse happened. Beating thali’s or chanting om or lighting the diya won’t succeed in proving that the government decision was a definite success. But by giving people 4 hours’ notice to reach their native places had a long-term demoralizing effects.

The middle class is dealing with money issues, people have lost their jobs, many of them are not getting salaries – although they have got adjusted in the present situation as some of them are working from home and Netflix / amazon prime has been a savior to beat the boredom. But what about those poor laborers? Who will give them food? Who will assure them jobs? Who will give them medical treatment? What about the small businesses? How will the economy be revived back? There are so many questions which are mind boggling and keep hovering the brain.
There was a news that the doctors and the nurses who are taking care of the Covid 19 patients and putting their own life on stake aren’t getting salaries. People suffering from other severe ailments are dying because many hospitals are not giving admission.

I am not against lockdown but the abrupt one created a lot of nuisance and annoyance – government had ample time to ease out the gridlock that has emerged. An almost 2 months long curfew may have restricted the spread of the deadly virus but what now? It will get viral when people will come in contact with each other and won’t maintain social distancing as desperation is prevailing inside every citizen to go back to their hometown or for that matter workplace. Unless and until the vaccine comes there is no end to the transmission of the deadly disease but even if it is developed that will also take time to vaccinate every single individual, as India has huge population density.
The unplanned lockdown has paralyzed the economy and millions of people have tremendously suffered. This situation is not going to vanish in few months that is a quite a sanguine assessment, we will remain in this dismay for years as the fiscal condition has disrupted the global economy.
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The government’s intention was not disagreeable or grim but it was poorly planned
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