The new wave of Covid 19 pandemic has scared us all. There is a sudden need for everyone to get vaccinated, many people are asking for plasma on the internet. Therefore, saving life has become the prime concern of all the medical practitioners. Doctors are suggesting plasma therapy for fighting the deadly disease. Plasma therapy is a medical process, which uses antibodies of patients, who have already recuperated from the Covid 19. Antibodies are a kind of protein created by plasma, which is the yellow part of blood comprising of antibodies. They are also produced by the body in retort to the disease.

People who have recovered from the coronavirus (for minimum 2 weeks) may contain antibodies in their body to fight against the virus. If this plasma will be donated to other serious patients who are suffering from the deadly virus, may help them in recovery. The entire social media are full of posts, asking for blood plasma to cure Covid 19 patients.
Who can donate?
Patients who are recovered from the virus are inspired to donate their plasma, to help save life of several diseased. Only those individuals are considered to donate, only if they are eligible and a medical practitioner will confirm the same. The patient should carry a Covid 19 positive report by a lab test and should have fully recovered for at least 2 weeks before the donation.
The plasma therapy is showing positive outcomes in metropolitans in treating the infected patients. Mumbai and Delhi are the places where the second wave of coronavirus cases has taken several lives. The therapy also increases the patient’s (depending upon person to person) ability to recuperate from the infection and fight the virus.

How does this therapy works?
The blood is taken from a fully recovered person and checked for any other life threatening disease such has HIV and Hepatitis B. Once the blood is found to be okay, then the plasma is extracted from the blood, that is further injected to a sick person whose condition is serious. This will also help the critical patient to recover and fight the infection. Since there is no particular treatment for the virus, therefore, plasma therapy has become a savior.

Why this therapy is an important cure for Covid 19 patients?
1.It is given to the people who are in the hospital and fighting the virus. The therapy helps in recovering and may also reduce the severity of the disease.
2. If the person receives the therapy on time, it prevents the lung from getting damage further.
3. It is also given to control the requirement of oxygen.
The request for plasma is increasing every minute and we don’t have enough donors. From the team of Robin Hood Arm, it’s a sincere request to come forward and donate the plasma.
If you have also recovered from COVID 19, please, fill the form and donate plasma, your one donation can save someone’s life. Fill up the below mentioned form if you would like to volunteer as donors:
You are eligible for donation if:
- You have tested positive for the Covid 19 in the last 120 days
- Your age is between 18 and 65 years
- You are not suffering from any transmissible disease
- Women should not have conceived a child
- You have not taken Covid vaccine
- You yourself have not received plasma to cure yourself

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