Post covid care is very essential as the virus can trigger many other underlying health conditions. Usually, it takes 2 weeks to recover from covid with mild or moderate symptoms. But if your infection is severe then it can take a month or more for you to recover. People who have suffered from coronavirus know how deadly this virus can be. Even after their report has come negative, post covid care is of utmost importance which includes eating a balanced diet, exercising, etc., but there are other post covid care measures, which you should not ignore (do read the complete blog to know those measures).
Once people recover, they get back to their usual life without thinking, that the body is still weak. The virus may have left your body, but you should not let your guards off and take post covid care measures to make sure you are completely recovered.

Although once you are infected from Covid 19, the body forms antibodies, which defends you from reinfection. But, the health experts are still not sure, how long the immunity persists. Some patients have contracted the coronavirus a second time. Many patients have a complaint about symptoms of the virus even after early recovery. Some of them have developed serious complications such as heart, lungs, and kidney problems. The latest complication is a black fungal infection. So, even if you have recovered you have to check your symptoms to seek for any threatening signs. Here are 7 post covid care measures you should take after recovering from the virus.
1.Keep a track of your oxygen level:
Post recovery from covid, there is a chance of lung damage. Therefore, you need to check your oxygen level with the help of an oximeter. In case, your oxygen goes below 90, contact your doctor immediately.

2. Sleep & Rest adequately:
Proper sleep and rest will heal your body much faster. Don’t take covid 19 infection lightly, since it’s a novel virus, there is a lot of ambiguity attached to it. Overstressing yourself will slow the recovery procedure.

3. Keep an eye on alarming signs:
Even if the RTPCR report has come negative, people have a complaint about an extreme headache or urine infection or weakness or breathlessness, etc. Therefore, focus on any visible symptoms which you have developed post covid recovery and inform your doctor.

4. Take it easy:
The most important post covid care is don’t be in a hurry to get back to your old life routine. This process should be gradual. Remember one thing you have just recovered from the deadly virus which has taken a toll on your immune system.

5. Review your medicine:
People who had chronic issues such as diabetes, thyroid and heart problem, etc. need to consult their doctor in case they need to revise their dosage.

6. Take necessary measures as before:
Reinfection has been reported at most places. Even if you contracted coronavirus once and your body formed antibodies, but there is still a chance of secondary infection. Hence follow all norms such as wearing a face mask, washing your hand, and maintaining social distance.

7. Save energy:
Remember you are still recovering from the infection, therefore use your energy sparingly. Don’t indulge yourself in trivial tasks. You can always ask for help from someone for shopping or food or other essentials. It is very essential to keep the phone numbers of medical and grocery shops handy. We are very lucky to live in an era where we can do online shopping, so take as much advantage as you can. The most important thing is recovery.

8. Exercise your brain:
The novel coronavirus has a lot of after effects, which even includes impairing your brain and neural cells. Therefore, include some memory games or solve puzzles or do something which will challenge your brain. This will enhance your cognitive abilities and the sharpness of your brain.

The contagious infection can have a long-term impact on your body. So be cautious. Post covid care shouldn’t be neglected at any cost.
Any information on the website My blog adda is not proposed as a substitute for medical assistance. Always consult your doctor in case of any medical diagnosis or cure.
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