Ramayana has revisited the small screen once again. Doordarshan has put an effort to bring back the Indian mythological to inspire the audience to remain indoor and watch the series made by Ramanand Sagar. The kids born in the 90’s have got nostalgic as they grew up watching the iconic series. The lockdown has made us watch the most popular show which changed the perception of the Indian Television. People are watching the series with lot of delight and enthusiasm. Let us check out some unknown facts about the iconic Ramayan.
1.The characters who played Dashratha and Kaushalya i.e. Bal Dhuri and Jayshree Gadkar were married to each other in reality
2. Bharat’s character was played by Sanjay Jog, who was originally offered the character of Laxman but had to refuse the same since he couldn’t promise to the extensive shooting days. Hence, he was given the role of Bharat.
3. Doordarshan supposedly earned Rs.40 lakhs per episode, When Ramayana first aired.
4. Arun Govil and Deepika Chikalia played the character of Ram and Sita had earned a lot of respect and love by the audience. They were treated as real god.
5. Arun Govil (Lord Rama) was once smoking cigarette, Ramanand Sagar told him that someone pointed out that “people believe in him as God and he is intoxicated?” When he heard this, he immediately stopped consuming alcohol, cigarette, bidi, pan-masala or any other kind of intoxication.
6. Ramanand Sagar himself produced the show Ramayana as all producers refuse to sponsor the serial and later it turned out to be super hit.
7. The holy serial Ramayana intertwined with the feelings of the people that as soon as Ram or Sita will make a presence on TV, looking at them people would fold their hands.
8. The character of Ram was played by Arun Govil who was initially rejected during auditions but later when he added a smile on his face, it worked wonder for him and he was chosen to play Lord Ram.
9. The character of Sita was enacted by Deepika Chikhalia was a little above 15 years. She gave around 5 screen tests and was finalized for the role of Sita. She was told by Ramanand Sagar that she would be remembered for her role as Sita and won’t require any introduction.
10. Ramanand Sagar’s Ramayana earned a place in the Limca Book of Records as the most-watched mythological series.
11. Ramayana was broadcast in 55 different countries with a total viewership of 650 million.
12. Aslam Khan Has Played Most Characters in Ramayana. He has played roles like Samudra Dev, Spy, Rakshas, Singer in Sita Ka Swayamwar and even a Sainik in Vanar Army, Kevat ka Senapati, Sadhu.
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