UTI – The topic may sound familiar to you, because most of us are in a habit of controlling their pee. Whether you are stuck in a meeting or travelling in a public transport or in a shopping area or watching the big game…. Everyone has been through this phase of holding back an important bodily function. But they may not realize, UTI can spell a big trouble if they continue to hold their pee on a regular basis.
Many people resist the urge to urinate and keep postponing their trip to the restroom till the time their bladder is ready to burst. Peeing is the most essential part of a human’s life. What you may not realize is, it has a damaging effect on your health. The kidney makes urine by filtering excess water and waste from your blood. Further, the urine flows from the kidney to the bladder. Generally, a human bladder holds 1 – 2 cups of i.e. 400 to 500 milliliters urine easily before you feel the need to go the loo. But if you keep holding your pee for a longer period of time, the bladder will stretch and hold even more, since it is an expandable organ.
Most of us have complete control over their bladder UTI – Do you hold your pee? – 7 damaging Effects of holding your Urine function, so when there is an urge to pee, we humans can choose to either release it instantly or hold it because either we are way too lazy or stuck with some urgent work or some of us don’t use public toilets. But, if we hold it forever, we are endangering ourselves to severe long-term damages such as urinary retention, Infection and also weakens your bladder muscles. If you are a bathroom procrastinator, here’s what happens when you hold your urine frequently:
1. UTI – Urinary Tract Infection:
This is the most irritable feeling and disease which causes a pain in the abdomen and sharp burning pain when you pass urine. When we hold our pee for long, this builds up the bacteria, which keep on multiplying if you are in the habit of controlling your pee. This develops Urinary Tract Infection, commonly known as UTI. An individual is at higher risk of getting the disease, if he doesn’t drink sufficient water.
2. Metabolic Abnormalities:
If a person is holding on urine, it can cause metabolic irregularities, which can result in long term kidney failure.
3. Kidney Failure:
Holding too much urine, may back up into your kidneys. This is a very unfortunate situation as this can lead to kidney failure and in worst case scenario death.
4. Makes the Bladder weak:
Retaining your pee for a longer period of time can lead to heavy destruction to your bladder. This will weaken the bladder muscles over a span of time.
5.Enlarges your Bladder:
When you hold your pee for long, the bladder tends to stretch. This can cause your bladder to enlarge, which results in continuous urge to pee.
6. Urinary Retention:
Urinary retention is a condition in which a bladder doesn’t get empty fully due to the obstruction of the free flow or urine through the bladder and urethra.
7. Urinary Incontinence:
If an individual is not urinating frequently, the bladder starts to wither and as a consequence there is an unconscious leakage of urine. This is also referred to as Poor bladder emptying or Urinary Incontinence. It’s the most irritable ailment and no one wants to experience.
8. Kidney Stone:
If you don’t hydrate well and also hold your pee too often, you will be more prone to developing kidney stone.
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