LGBTQ – A sexual, emotional state is an essential part of everyone’s life and involves a lot of desire and ardour. The feelings are full of love, excitement and passion, but sometimes they are complex and puzzling. We all are different from each other and our preference and feelings are our personal choice. The ultimate thing is that you should be at ease with your sexual identity and desires. Sexual orientation is an expression which label your eloquent, loving or sexual attraction. Your sexuality is an entire bundle of things that includes your attraction towards someone irrespective of the gender, sexual behavior and how you define your sexual category.

LGBTQ is an abbreviation or initialism for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer or questioning community. These terminologies delineate an individual’s sexual orientation or gender distinctiveness. A sexual orientation means a tag that defines your fascination in terms of romance and sex. You may still be thinking about your sexual preferences or may have no idea of it, but that doesn’t matter, either way it is your identity. The sexual fondness starts during adolescent; it doesn’t imply that you want to have sex, but it is more about feelings towards the person you are attracted to. As you age these emotions get sturdier and sketch your sexual identity. Here is more elaborate definition of each term:
A female’s physical, emotional and sexual attraction towards other women is termed as a lesbian or a homosexual female. It is defined as male or female who are romantically attracted to people of the same sex, may choose to address as gay or as gay women.
2. GAY
GAY implies, two individuals of the same sexual category’s attraction towards each other – either two women or two men. It is similar as being homosexual and predominantly defines males emotional and physical attraction to other males.
It is an individual’s sexual fascination towards more than one gender. A bisexual has a capability to have physical and passionate relationships with same sex or opposite sex. It is easy to identify whether you are bisexual or not, if you have feelings for more than one gender, you are a bisexual. It is not necessary to have explicit sensual experiences to be bisexual.

A parasol term for those individuals whose gender identity or gender expression differs from the sex they were apportioned while they were born. Individuals underneath the transgender umbrella may label themselves using a wide variety of terminologies which includes Transgender. Example: a transgender individual may categorize as a female in spite of being born with male organs. Some of them may undertake a sex change operation, but not everyone will take this big step. A transgender individuality is not reliant upon physical presence or medical processes.
A term youngsters use; whose sexual orientation is not entirely heterosexual (straight) which implies individuals’s attraction towards opposite sex. The word Queer explains that neither a person is straight nor he is gay. The ambiguity of the word queer is premeditated; it is made for people outside of the heterosexual standard and is comprehensive, but it is not universally acknowledged by the LGBT i.e. lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community. Although some people still use the term queer or genderqueer, to define their sexual category. In another words, it is means to depict any sexuality without requiring a particular label.
At times, when a person is not clear about their sexuality or are on the process of discovering, it describes the term Questioning.

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