If you are in your early 20’s and this topic is not of your concern. Don’t worry soon you will be worried about aging. Aging is a natural process and we cannot avoid it. As we grow older fine lines starts to appear on our face. Sadly, there’s no wonder pill, that will keep you looking young always. Women are opting for various skin treatments, Botox and fillers, etc. to get rid of facial wrinkles. But, not all anti-aging creams or treatments are worthwhile.
Wrinkles are usually formed due to aging skin or skin damage or breakdown of collagen and elastin in the body. Many facial expressions such as smiling, squinting, lifting one eyebrow while talking does form wrinkles on the face in the long run. If you are worried about aging, here are some common myths about wrinkle, exposed:
Myth 1: The most prevalent myth is the more the merrier
It’s a myth if you will use more anti-aging creams or skincare products, the results will be instant. Using a stash of wrinkle creams won’t help you out if you are looking for short-term results. A proper skincare routine will benefit your skin in the long run. Excessive use of antiaging cream can cause redness, rash, and irritation on your skin.

Myth 2: The path to wrinkle-free skin is expensive anti-aging products
Go to a dermatologist or skin care section of a mall, there will be a glut of expensive creams, lotions, and serums, enticing that they will eradicate fine lines. This is one of the leading myths propagated by the vast anti-aging industry, which claims that they will make your skin wrinkle-free. Most of these products are exorbitantly costly. Though retinol-based skincare products work best to treat deep wrinkles.

Myth 3: Sunscreen will erase the fine lines
Sunscreen won’t reduce fine lines, but harsh UV rays are the reason behind premature aging. Sun can damage your skin even during winters. Therefore, apply sunscreen 365 days a year. To get the maximum benefit use a broad-spectrum sunscreen, which will protect you from UVA and UVB. If you are worried about aging buy a sunscreen with SPF 50.

Myth 4: Moisturizer will shield you from the formation of wrinkles
The skin needs to be moisturized on regular basis, but it can’t protect you from getting fine lines. A moisturizer hydrates the skin, makes it smooth and plumps fine lines.

Myth 5: Botox and Fillers are the only way out to remove fine lines
No doubt, that Botox and fillers can eliminate wrinkles. One can also opt for various laser treatments depending upon the depth and kind of wrinkles. There is another method i.e. Venus Freeze which is a non-invasive way to reduce wrinkles. If you are worried about aging, consult a dermatologist.

Myth 6: Touching or rubbing your skin will cause fine lines
Touching or rubbing your face won’t cause fine lines. Wrinkles are caused due to repetitive actions such as frowning, smiling, etc. can result in permanent deep facial lines. If you are worried about aging, you need to be careful about your facial expressions. Another reason is excessive weight loss which can result in sagging of skin.

Myth 7: My wrinkles came from my parents
Wrinkles are caused due to various other reasons so you cannot blame your genes alone. Smoking, drinking, late nights, stress, sun damage too much screen time, etc. can be the reason behind those deep wrinkles. If you are worried about aging change your lifestyle. When you age, wrinkles are bound to happen, therefore it is essential to take care of your skin early. Another fact is if your parents have great skin, doesn’t mean you don’t need any skin-care regime.

Myth 8: What suits others may not suit you
Everyone’s skin is different, so there can’t be that one perfect anti-aging skin routine. Skin-care is about hit or miss and finding what suits your skin. No one has that one secret that can give them flawless skin. Don’t use multiple products at one go, this can irritate the skin. Let the skin gets acclimatize to the new products.

Myth 9: Once you grow older, you can’t do anything about aging skin
It’s never too late to start anything whether it’s applying SPF or following a skincare routine. A good skincare routine will protect your skin from getting worse and will also protect you from signs of aging.

Myth 10: Don’t stick to the same routine
The skincare routine should be changed according to different weather conditions. You cannot stick to the same routine forever and also expect different results.

Fine lines can make you frustrated. But, they symbolize your experience in life. Wrinkles are inevitable, so the sooner you accept them the earlier you will work on reducing them. If you are worried about aging start taking care of your skin.
Any information on the website My blog adda is not proposed as a substitute for medical assistance. Always consult your dermatologist or doctor in case of any medical diagnosis or cure.
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